Nine Things to do in the Last 9 Days of the Year to Ensure the Best New Year Ever

New Year’s Resolutions are all fine and good, but how many of you really keep them past the first week or two?  I have had years where I resolved to diet and exercise and then didn’t even make it through New Year’s Day.

So this year, I’m trying something different and concentrating on concrete action items that will ensure that 2016 is the best year yet!  And as my gift to you, I’m passing along my ideas.  Here are Nine things you can start to implement in the last 9 days of the year to ensure YOUR best year ever!

  1. Give away more than just Christmas Gifts. As You put away your Christmas decorations, use the time as an opportunity to purge unwanted items that are still in good condition. Make a stack of not only holiday decorations but other items you come across, especially in your closet.  A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn it in the past year, get rid of it. And if you need a great place to donate your items, try Sharing Connections in Downers Grove, Illinois (  What I love about this organization is that they serve individuals in transition (such as out of domestic abuse or homelessness) and they have a “store” where clients can shop for items for free and with dignity.  Nothing will start your year in a better way than giving to those in need.
  2. If it’s not nice enough to give away, then toss it!  Decluttering is all the rage now. Pick up a copy of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo.  She recommends decluttering by category as opposed to by room.  Toys the kids have outgrown? Books?  Free your space and free your mind.
  3. Spend time with those who are a support to you. Sure, we all have our obligatory holiday gatherings with people we could do without. That’s why it’s even more important to go the extra mile to arrange time with people who fill us up as opposed to draining us. So many people put off these kinds of things when they are extra busy, but it is even more important to find time for loving interactions when we are extra stressed.
  4. Practice self-care.  And the same goes for taking care of ourselves. We can’t take care of others, until we’ve taken care of ourselves first. I admit, this is a hard one for me, but at least keeping it in your consciousness is a start. I’m trying to keep my sugar at a minimum, trying to get a little more sleep than normal and writing.  Yoga, exercising, and a little pampering are all great too! Whatever works for you to feel better and less stressed, that’s what you should do. Being a martyr and being resentful doesn’t do anyone any good.
  5. If you want to make a job change in 2016, start your resume now. Did you know that January is historically the best time to be hired for a new position?  After the break, the powers-that-be return to their workplace with renewed vigor and examine the personnel needs for the following year. Get a jump on it and have your resume ready to go and ready to impress when you see that job posting.
  6. Freshen up your Linked In Profile.  Even if you’re not looking to change jobs or grow your business in 2016, networking is key to do now to lay the foundations for things you might want to do in the future.  And Linked In has become more important than ever in the networking process. Examine your summary.  Does it describe the you of today or five years ago?  Tighten up the language, drop the overused phrases. Look for new contacts.
  7. If you own a business, write a 90 day plan.  If you really want to rock 2016 with your business, break your overwhelming business plan down into bite sized pieces.  Set out objectives that are reachable in 90 days with action items for each objective.  Then do it!  At around day 75, plan for your next 90 days. You’ll be surprised at how much you accomplish in a year!
  8. Don’t carry toxic people, situations and memories into the new year. Not only is there something very cathartic and healthy about cutting the toxicity out of your life, but there is also something beautifully symbolic about leaving it in the year that has passed.  So, take the time now to cull your Christmas list, purge your Facebook friends (or purge Facebook altogether if it causes you strife) and make up your mind that you are going to create your boundaries now.  If you are divorced, shred all the paperwork and notes other than your decree (you will need that at various times in your life).  And while you’re at the shredder, toss in old cards, letters and journals that are filled with loaded emotions.  Clear it out and move on!
  9. Forgive yourself.  Maybe things didn’t go your way this year.  Maybe you even made some bad choices that contributed to that.  Beating yourself up about it won’t change the past. But forgiving yourself and learning from those mistakes will. Use everything you learned to chart a new course for the new year.  Think of every little mis-step and failure as just a stepping stone on the path to success.  We grow the most from our challenges in life.

What are some other things you are going to do to set you up for success in the new year?  I’d love to hear them.

Sue O’Connell, J.D. , College Search Counseling and Transitional CoachingTrees and Path

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